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The need for proper Japanese translation has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few decades as they are a center for business, information technology and many other fields. There were also some issues with trying to get information out of Japan when the earthquake and tsunami hit the country in March 2011, as various misinterpretations skewed some very important facts for this massive event. You can get around these problems by contacting Technovate Translations if you need an English rendering of a document from Japanese text, or vice versa. Whether you need document translation or an audio visual translation/transcription, you will soon see why you should make Technovate Translations your No.1 company in the world of global communication.

Multinational companies are looking to bolster their stock in places like Japan as they would be missing out on a major portion of the global market share, and Technovate Translations has worked with entities such as Microsoft and Mercedes-Benz, who are monumental players in their respective fields. Website translation plays a huge role in this as most of the world operates online, whether they are trying to get news, or looking to do some shopping. There are websites available on the internet that will translate whatever you are looking at, but it is probably going to give you a word-for-word translation, and that can cause some confusion when it comes to differing connotations for certain words. In Japan, it is crucial to get these aspects correct as studies have shown that Japan is second only to the United States in terms of online spending per person, almost 71% of the population has access to the internet, but a miniscule portion of the population understands a foreign language. A company that attempted to break into the Japanese marketplace ended up focusing on the major problems of their attempt, topped by their inability to read consumer values and purchasing needs/wants, among other aspects. Of course, the actual language itself is an obstacle because Japanese diction utilizes symbols, and if you have a website that is largely in English, you are not going to get a lot of traffic coming out of Japan.

That is why the experts at Technovate Translations are willing to step up to the plate to help you hit a professional home run, as we have over 3,000 translators, and a lot of them are native Japanese speakers who understand the culture, and they understand what the Japanese consumer is looking for when it comes to a website they can use for whatever they want. You want someone who is going recognize and appreciate context, which is something that many websites overlook in any language, and that is why Technovate Translations is a leader in communication. Even if you are not talking about Japan in specific terms, businesses that have an English-only website are only reaching 43% of the world’s internet users, and that equals a lot of profit your company is missing out on.

Sometimes, you are just looking to translate a novel you are reading for entertainment, and authors often wonder how their work is being interpreted outside of their native language. One author has compared translating from Japanese to English to a math problem, and he claims that they have differing rhythms which makes it difficult to get a proper translation. Technovate Translations will be able to nail down the meaning of a novel in Japanese for English speakers, and the other way around as well. It may be more difficult as some works will include slang or vocabulary that is outside what we would consider normal, but there is no project too big (or too small) for us as we have seen it all in our time in the communication industry.

Let us do the heavy lifting when it comes to translation. The world is becoming more interactive with the advent of the internet, and you could be left behind if you are not looking for proactive solutions around the barrier of language. Technovate Translations can help you overcome this, but you have to reach out to us at our website (, our toll-free number where you can speak to our excellent customer care representatives, or you can contact one of our offices in Ottawa, Vancouver, Washington D.C., Toronto, Los Angeles and Seattle in order to begin your project. Just one experience with Technovate Translations, and you will make us your No.1 language translation service.


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